Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sometimes I'm Speechless... So Grateful.

Wow!   What a great series, with such a great group of kids and parents!  This was unlike any other Mindful Kids series that I have taught.  Through my course in San Fran I was taught to really get back to the basics, to keep it simple and to not overwhelm (both the kids and myself), and that is exactly what we did!

The Wednesday night class ends today, and the Monday night class ends next Monday.   The new series starts the week of November 12th.

In this series we learned about:
Week 1:  Mindful Bodies and finding our quiet space
Week 2:  Being Mindful of our breath and where in our bodies we can notice that breath
Week 3:  Heartfulness - sending kind thoughts
Week 4:  We created our own tornado and talked about different ways to get still and calm
Week 5:  Mindful Eating (always a fav!) - really experiencing a meal, slowly, mindfully, with all of our senses.
Week 6:  Mind the Music - Taking something as simple as a song on the radio and turning it into a very deeply relaxing mindfulness experience.

Each series is built in such a way that :
A) past students can continue to build on the skills they already have and learn brand new techniques along the way.
B) new students can join in and start their own journey of Mindfulness: Calm, Confident and Chill.

Think of it as a yoga class... the more you come, the more natural the techniques feel.

Here's what's coming up in series 2!!

Week 1:  Quick Review & Body Awareness
Week 2:  Mindfulness of Breathing using base words to focus
Week 3:  Heartfulness - Generosity
Week 4:  Our Thoughts
Week 5:  Mindful Seeing  (& back by popular demand, a little bit of mindful eating as well)
Week 6:  Mind the Music - Making our own mindfulness cards for focus

These spaces will fill up very quickly, so book your spot first.... then go tell all your friends.  ;)

Mindful Parents
We had an amazing group of mindful mama's in this series, and I was honoured to spend every Wednesday evening with them.  And although I can't tell you everything (what happens in Mindful Parents, stays in Mindful Parents ;)  ), I can tell you this...
We had some great laughs, a few tears and lots and lots of amazingly insightful conversations.